package; // Java AWT Imports import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JColorChooser; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent; import javax.swing.event.CaretListener; import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.Element; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; import; public class EditorActionManager extends ActionManager { // Modifier Constants public static final int COLOUR_BLACK =; public static final int COLOUR_BLUE =; public static final int COLOUR_CYAN = Color.cyan.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_DARKGRAY = Color.darkGray.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_GRAY = Color.gray.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_GREEN =; public static final int COLOUR_LIGHTGRAY = Color.lightGray.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_MAGENTA = Color.magenta.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_ORANGE =; public static final int COLOUR_PINK =; public static final int COLOUR_RED =; public static final int COLOUR_WHITE = Color.white.getRGB(); public static final int COLOUR_YELLOW = Color.yellow.getRGB(); // Action Types. public static final String BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX = "Beep"; public static final String ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX = "Align Left"; public static final String ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX = "Align Right"; public static final String ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX = "Align Center"; public static final String ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX = "Align Justified"; public static final String BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX = "Bold"; public static final String ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX = "Italic"; public static final String UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX = "Underline"; public static final String STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX = "Strikethrough"; public static final String CUT_ACTION_PREFIX = "Cut"; public static final String COPY_ACTION_PREFIX = "Copy"; public static final String PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX = "Paste"; public static final String SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX = "Select All"; public static final String SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX = "Select None"; public static final String UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX = "Undo"; public static final String REDO_ACTION_PREFIX = "Redo"; public static final String COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX = "Colour Chooser..."; public static final String FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX = "Font Chooser..."; public static final String SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "Find..."; public static final String REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX = "Find & Replace..."; public static final String FILE_NEW_ACTION_PREFIX = "New"; public static final String FILE_OPEN_ACTION_PREFIX = "Open..."; public static final String FILE_OPENAS_ACTION_PREFIX = "Open As..."; public static final String FILE_REVERT_ACTION_PREFIX = "Revert To Saved"; public static final String FILE_SAVE_ACTION_PREFIX = "Save"; public static final String FILE_SAVEAS_ACTION_PREFIX = "Save As..."; public static final String FILE_SAVECOPY_ACTION_PREFIX = "Save Copy..."; //public static final String FONT_FAMILY_ACTION_PREFIX = "format-font-family@"; //public static final String FONT_SIZE_ACTION_PREFIX = "format-font-size@"; //public static final String FONT_COLOUR_ACTION_PREFIX = "format-font-colour@"; //StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT; // ========= PRIVATE MEMBERS =================== private static EditorActionManager _INSTANCE = null; private final CaretListener _ATTRIBUTE_TRACKER = new AttributeTracker(); private static Editor _EDITOR = null; private static Map _ACTIONS = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); //private static ThreadPool _THREADPOOL = null; /** * Tracks caret movement and keeps the input attributes set * to reflect the current set of attribute definitions at the * caret position. */ protected final class AttributeTracker implements CaretListener, Serializable { protected AttributeTracker() { super(); } //# Still referencing the local versions public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor() != null) { int dot = e.getDot(); int mark = e.getMark(); if (dot == mark) { // record current character attributes. // We should check for a JEditorPane here. JTextComponent c = (JTextComponent) e.getSource(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) c.getDocument(); Element run = doc.getCharacterElement(Math.max(dot-1, 0)); EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().setCurrentParagraph(doc.getParagraphElement(dot)); if (run != getActiveEditor().getCurrentRun()) { //_CURRENT_RUN = run; EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().setCurrentRun(run); EditorActionManager.instance().createInputAttributes(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getCurrentRun(), EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getInputAttributes()); } } } } } // End of AttributeTracker ==================================================== protected final class FontChooserAction extends AbstractAction { //BufferedImage private JFrame _PARENT; public FontChooserAction(String nm, JFrame component) { super(nm); this._PARENT = component; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Font font = FontChooser.display(_PARENT); if(font != null) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); String family = font.getFamily(); int size = font.getSize(); boolean is_bold = font.isBold(); boolean is_italic = font.isItalic(); //Code.debug("Font Chooser: " + font.toString()); if (family != null) { MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attr, family); StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size); StyleConstants.setItalic(attr, is_italic); StyleConstants.setBold(attr, is_bold); /* boolean underline = (StyleConstants.isItalic(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setItalic(attr, underline); boolean strike = (StyleConstants.isItalic(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setItalic(attr, strike); */ EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } } protected final class FontFamilyAction extends AbstractAction { private String family; public FontFamilyAction(String nm, String family) { super(nm); = family; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { String family =; if ((e != null) && (e.getSource() == editor)) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); if (s != null) { family = s; //Code.debug("family: " + s); } } if (family != null) { MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attr, family); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } } // End FontFamilyAction class =================================================== protected final class FontSizeAction extends AbstractAction { private int size; public FontSizeAction(String nm, int size) { super(nm); this.size = size; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { int size = this.size; if ((e != null) && (e.getSource() == editor)) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); try { size = Integer.parseInt(s, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (size != 0) { MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, size); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } } // End FontSizeAction ============================================================== protected final class ColourChooserAction extends AbstractAction { //BufferedImage private JFrame _PARENT; public ColourChooserAction(String nm, JFrame component) { super(nm); this._PARENT = component; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { Color fg = JColorChooser.showDialog(_PARENT, "Choose a colour...", null); if ((e != null) && (e.getSource() == editor) && (fg != null)) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); try { fg = Color.decode(s); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (fg != null) { MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, fg); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } } protected final class ForegroundAction extends AbstractAction { protected Color fg = null;; protected String name = null; public ForegroundAction(String nm, Color fg) { //super(nm, new ImageIcon(EditorActionManager.instance().create16x16ColourRec(c, fg))); super(nm); = nm; this.fg = fg; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { Color fg = this.fg; if (e != null && e.getSource() == editor) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); try { fg = Color.decode(s); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (fg != null) { MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setForeground(attr, fg); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } } protected final class AlignmentAction extends AbstractAction { private int a; public AlignmentAction(String nm, int a) { super(nm); this.a = a; switch(a) { case StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT: this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("align_right16.gif"))); break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT: this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("align_left16.gif"))); break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER: this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("align_center16.gif"))); break; case StyleConstants.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED: this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("align_justify16.gif"))); break; } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { int a = this.a; if ((e != null) && (e.getSource() == editor)) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); try { a = Integer.parseInt(s, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getSimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setAlignment(attr, a); EditorActionManager.instance().setParagraphAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } } } protected final class BoldAction extends AbstractAction { public BoldAction() { super(BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("bold_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { //StyledEditorKit kit = getStyledEditorKit(editor); MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getInputAttributes(); // kit.getInputAttributes(); boolean bold = (StyleConstants.isBold(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setBold(attr, bold); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } } } protected final class ItalicAction extends AbstractAction { public ItalicAction() { super(ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("italic_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { //StyledEditorKit kit = getStyledEditorKit(editor); MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getInputAttributes(); // kit.getInputAttributes(); boolean italic = (StyleConstants.isItalic(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setItalic(attr, italic); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } } } protected final class UnderlineAction extends AbstractAction { public UnderlineAction() { super(UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("underline_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { //StyledEditorKit kit = getStyledEditorKit(editor); MutableAttributeSet attr = editor.getInputAttributes(); // kit.getInputAttributes(); boolean underline = (StyleConstants.isUnderline(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setUnderline(attr, underline); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } } } protected final class StrikeThroughAction extends AbstractAction { public StrikeThroughAction() { super(STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("strikethrough_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (editor != null) { //StyledEditorKit kit = getStyledEditorKit(editor); MutableAttributeSet attr = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getInputAttributes(); // kit.getInputAttributes(); boolean bold = (StyleConstants.isStrikeThrough(attr)) ? false : true; StyleConstants.setStrikeThrough(attr, bold); EditorActionManager.instance().setCharacterAttributes(editor.getTextComponent(), attr, false); } } } protected final class CutAction extends AbstractAction { public CutAction() { super(CUT_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("cut_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { target.getTextComponent().cut(); } } } protected final class CopyAction extends AbstractAction { public CopyAction() { super(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("copy_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { target.getTextComponent().copy(); } } } protected final class PasteAction extends AbstractAction { public PasteAction() { super(PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("paste_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { target.getTextComponent().paste(); } } } protected final class BeepAction extends AbstractAction { public BeepAction() { super(BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } protected final class SelectAllAction extends AbstractAction { protected SelectAllAction() { super(SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { Document doc = target.getTextComponent().getDocument(); target.getTextComponent().setCaretPosition(0); target.getTextComponent().moveCaretPosition(doc.getLength()); } } } protected final class SelectNoneAction extends AbstractAction { protected SelectNoneAction() { super(SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { if (target.getTextComponent().getSelectionStart() != target.getTextComponent().getSelectionEnd()) { int dot = target.getTextComponent().getSelectionStart(); target.getTextComponent().setSelectionStart(dot); target.getTextComponent().setSelectionEnd(dot); target.getTextComponent().setCaretPosition(dot); } } } } protected final class UndoAction extends AbstractAction { protected UndoAction() { super(UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("undo_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { if(target.getUndoManager().canUndo()){ target.getUndoManager().undo(); } } } } protected final class RedoAction extends AbstractAction { protected RedoAction() { super(REDO_ACTION_PREFIX); this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("redo_action16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //JEditorPane editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent(); Editor target = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if (target != null) { if(target.getUndoManager().canRedo()){ target.getUndoManager().redo(); } } } } protected final class SearchAction extends AbstractAction { //BufferedImage private JFrame _PARENT; public SearchAction(String nm, JFrame component) { super(nm); this._PARENT = component; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Code.message("Search Activated..."); } } protected final class ReplaceAction extends AbstractAction { //BufferedImage private JFrame _PARENT; public ReplaceAction(String nm, JFrame component) { super(nm); this._PARENT = component; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Code.message("Replace Activated..."); } } protected final class NewAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public NewAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("new_document16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _LISTENER.editorNew(); } } protected final class OpenAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public OpenAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("open_document16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { _LISTENER.editorOpen(); } } protected final class OpenAsAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public OpenAsAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< _LISTENER.editorOpenAs(); } } protected final class RevertAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public RevertAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor() != null) { _LISTENER.editorRevert(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); } } } protected final class SaveAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public SaveAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(Loader.load("save_document16.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor() != null) { _LISTENER.editorSave(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); } } } protected final class SaveAsAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public SaveAsAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor() != null) { _LISTENER.editorSaveAs(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); } } } protected final class SaveCopyAction extends AbstractAction { private FileActionListener _LISTENER = null; public SaveCopyAction(String name, JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { super(name); _LISTENER = agent; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor() != null) { _LISTENER.editorSaveCopy(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); } } } private EditorActionManager() { super(); /* if(_INSTANCE != null) { _INSTANCE = EditorActionManager.instance(); } */ } /** * Add an editor to the action manager. * @param editor */ public static void activate(Editor editor) { // First deactivate the current // editor if there is one. if(EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR != null) { EditorActionManager.deactivate(EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR); } EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR = editor; // After the editor is saved, // so that any calles to // ActionManager,getActiveEditor() // will actually return something. EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().hasBeenActivated(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); // allow the component time to do setup before allowing Caret events. EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().addCaretListener(EditorActionManager.instance()._ATTRIBUTE_TRACKER); } private Image create16x16ColourRec(Component c, Color colour) { /* byte[] imageData = { (byte)71, (byte)73, (byte)70, (byte)56, (byte)57, (byte)97, (byte)16, (byte)0, (byte)16, (byte)0, (byte)128, (byte)255, (byte)0, (byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)44, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)16, (byte)0, (byte)16, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)2, (byte)14, (byte)132, (byte)143, (byte)169, (byte)203, (byte)237, (byte)15, (byte)163, (byte)156, (byte)180, (byte)218, (byte)139, (byte)179, (byte)62, (byte)5, (byte)0, (byte)59 }; Image img = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageData); */ //Code.debug("Component=" + c); //Code.debug("Color=" + colour); Image img = c.createImage(16, 16); //Code.debug("Image=" + img); Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); //Code.debug("Graphics=" + g); g.setColor(colour); g.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16); //Code.debug("Coloured Image=" + img); return img; } /** * Create the default actions of the type: FONT_COLOUR_ACTION * <P> * @param colour java.awt.Color the colour to assign the action. * @return javax.swing.Action[] */ public final Action[] createDefaultColourActions() { Action[] a = new Action[14]; a[0] = this.getColourAction("White", Color.white); a[1] = this.getColourAction("Black",; a[2] = this.getColourAction("Red",; a[3] = this.getColourAction("Green",; a[4] = this.getColourAction("Blue",; a[5] = this.getColourAction("Orange",; a[6] = this.getColourAction("Dark Gray", Color.darkGray); a[7] = this.getColourAction("Gray", Color.gray); a[8] = this.getColourAction("Light Gray", Color.lightGray); a[9] = this.getColourAction("Cyan", Color.cyan); a[10] = this.getColourAction("Magenta", Color.magenta); a[11] = this.getColourAction("Pink",; a[12] = this.getColourAction("Yellow", Color.yellow); return a; } /** * Create the default font family actions. * @return javax.swing.Action[] */ public final Action[] createDefaultFontFaceActions() { // This is returning all the // system fonts at the moment // but we should change it to // only include the fonts that // all VM have. -- Brill 04/07/1999 String[] families = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); Map fontFamilyRange = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); Action a = null; for(int i = 0; i < families.length; i++) { if(families[i].indexOf(".") == -1) { // we have to test to a "." so // we don't get duplicates, there // appears to be a bug in the VM. a = this.getFontFaceAction(families[i]); fontFamilyRange.put(families[i], a); } } // This is a bad way to // do it, but I'm to tired // to fix it now. Action[] output = new Action[fontFamilyRange.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { if(families[i].indexOf(".") == -1) { output[i] = (Action)fontFamilyRange.get(families[i]); } } return output; } /** * Creates a range of FontSize actions from the * begin number to the end number, with the * specified granularity. * <P> * i.e. A granularity of two, will increase the * range by 2. So, the number of actions produced * will be ((end - begin) / 2) or begin, begin + 2, * begin + 4, begin + 6 [up to] end. * @param int begin start of the range. * @param int end end of the range. * @param int granularity range granularity (divide by). */ public final Action[] createFontSizeActionRange(int begin, int end, int granularity) { if(begin > end) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Beginning of Font Size range must be less than the end of the range."); } if(((end - begin) <= granularity)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The granularity is equal to or grater than the number of elements between the begin and end. No Size elements can be generated."); } if(((end - begin) % granularity) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of elements between the begin and end must be divisible by the granularity."); } Action[] a = new Action[((end - begin) / granularity)]; for(int i = begin; i < a.length; i += granularity) { a[i] = this.getFontSizeAction(i); } return a; } /** * Copies the key/values in <code>element</code>s AttributeSet into * <code>set</code>. This does not copy component, icon, or element * names attributes. Subclasses may wish to refine what is and what * isn't copied here. But be sure to first remove all the attributes that * are in <code>set</code>.<p> * This is called anytime the caret moves over a different location. * */ protected void createInputAttributes(Element element, MutableAttributeSet set) { set.removeAttributes(set); set.addAttributes(element.getAttributes()); set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.ComponentAttribute); set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.IconAttribute); set.removeAttribute(AbstractDocument.ElementNameAttribute); set.removeAttribute(StyleConstants.ComposedTextAttribute); } /** * Remove an editor to the action manager. * @param editor */ public static void deactivate(Editor editor) { if(EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR != null) { // disable Caret events. EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().removeCaretListener(EditorActionManager.instance()._ATTRIBUTE_TRACKER); // Before the editor is removed, // so that any calles to // EditorActionManager,getActiveEditor() // will actually return something. EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().hasBeenDeactivated(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor()); EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR = null; } } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all actions * matching or containing the specified pattern. * To disable a specific action, use a specific * name. if the name is found in the list, it * is the only one disabled. Otherwise, all * actions that contain the pattern will be * enabled/disabled. * * @param pattern java.lang.String * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableAction(String pattern, boolean enabled) { // Code.debug("enableAction: " + pattern + ", " + enabled); if(_ACTIONS.containsKey(pattern)) { ((Action)_ACTIONS.get(pattern)).setEnabled(enabled); } } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all format actions . * * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableColourActions(boolean enabled) { // Code.debug("enableColourActions: " + enabled); Iterator it = _ACTIONS.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Object o =; if((o instanceof ForegroundAction) || (o instanceof ColourChooserAction)) { ((Action)o).setEnabled(enabled); } } } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all Document actions . * * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableDocumentActions(boolean enabled) { //Code.debug("enableDocumentActions: " + enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(CUT_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(REDO_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all format actions . * * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableFontActions(boolean enabled) { // Code.debug("enableFontActions: " + enabled); Iterator it = _ACTIONS.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Object o =; if((o instanceof FontSizeAction) || (o instanceof FontFamilyAction) || (o instanceof FontChooserAction)) { ((Action)o).setEnabled(enabled); } } } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all format actions . * * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableFormatActions(boolean enabled) { //Code.debug("enableFormatActions: " + enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); EditorActionManager.enableColourActions(enabled); EditorActionManager.enableFontActions(enabled); } /** * Sets the enabled attribute of all Generic actions . * * @param enabled boolean */ public static final void enableGenericActions(boolean enabled) { //Code.debug("enableGenericActions: " + enabled); EditorActionManager.enableAction(BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX, enabled); } public static final Editor getActiveEditor() { return EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR; } public final Action getAlignCenterAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX, new AlignmentAction(ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(ALIGN_CENTER_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getAlignJustifyAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX, new AlignmentAction(ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX, StyleConstants.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getAlignLeftAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX, new AlignmentAction(ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX, StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(ALIGN_LEFT_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getAlignRightAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX, new AlignmentAction(ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX, StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(ALIGN_RIGHT_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getBeepAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX, new BeepAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(BEEP_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getBoldAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX, new BoldAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(BOLD_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getColourAction(String name, Color colour) { //String key = "#" + Integer.toHexString(colour.getRGB()).toUpperCase(); if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(name)) { _ACTIONS.put(name, new ForegroundAction(name, colour)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(name); } public final Color getColourAtCaret(){ Editor editor = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor(); if(editor != null){ return StyleConstants.getForeground(editor.getInputAttributes()); }else{ return null; } } public final Action getColourChooserAction(JFrame component) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, new ColourChooserAction(COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, component)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(COLOUR_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getCopyAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX, new CopyAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getCutAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(CUT_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(CUT_ACTION_PREFIX, new CutAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(CUT_ACTION_PREFIX); } // =============== BEGIN ADD ACTION METHODS ========================================= public final Action getFontChooserAction(JFrame component) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, new FontChooserAction(FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX, component)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FONT_CHOOSER_ACTION_PREFIX); } /** * @param font java.awt.Font the font to use as a template. */ public final Action getFontFaceAction(Font font) { return this.getFontFaceAction(font.getFontName()); } public final Action getFontFaceAction(String name) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(name)) { _ACTIONS.put(name, new FontFamilyAction(name, name)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(name); } public final Action getFontSizeAction(int size) { String key = "" + size; if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(key)) { _ACTIONS.put(key, new FontSizeAction(key, size)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(key); } public final Action getItalicAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX, new ItalicAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(ITALIC_ACTION_PREFIX); } // ===== Editor File Actions ============================ public final Action getNewAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_NEW_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_NEW_ACTION_PREFIX, new NewAction(FILE_NEW_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_NEW_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getOpenAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_OPEN_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_OPEN_ACTION_PREFIX, new OpenAction(FILE_OPEN_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_OPEN_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getOpenAsAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_OPENAS_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_OPENAS_ACTION_PREFIX, new OpenAsAction(FILE_OPENAS_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_OPENAS_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getPasteAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX, new PasteAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(PASTE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getRedoAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(REDO_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(REDO_ACTION_PREFIX, new RedoAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(REDO_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getReplaceAction(JFrame component) { //Code.debug("getReplaceAction"); if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX, new FontChooserAction(REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX, component)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(REPLACE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getRevertAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_REVERT_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_REVERT_ACTION_PREFIX, new RevertAction(FILE_REVERT_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_REVERT_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getSaveAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_SAVE_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_SAVE_ACTION_PREFIX, new SaveAction(FILE_SAVE_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_SAVE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getSaveAsAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_SAVEAS_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_SAVEAS_ACTION_PREFIX, new SaveAsAction(FILE_SAVEAS_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_SAVEAS_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getSaveCopyAction(JFrame component, FileActionListener agent) { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(FILE_SAVECOPY_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(FILE_SAVECOPY_ACTION_PREFIX, new SaveCopyAction(FILE_SAVECOPY_ACTION_PREFIX, component, agent)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(FILE_SAVECOPY_ACTION_PREFIX); } // ===== Edit File Actions ============================ public final Action getSearchAction(JFrame component) { //Code.debug("getSearchAction"); if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, new FontChooserAction(SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, component)); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getSelectAllAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX, new SelectAllAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(SELECTALL_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getSelectNoneAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX, new SelectNoneAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(SELECTNONE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getStrikeThroughAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX, new StrikeThroughAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(STRIKETHROUGH_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getUnderlineAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX, new UnderlineAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(UNDERLINE_ACTION_PREFIX); } public final Action getUndoAction() { if(!_ACTIONS.containsKey(UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX)) { _ACTIONS.put(UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX, new UndoAction()); } return (Action)_ACTIONS.get(UNDO_ACTION_PREFIX); } public static final EditorActionManager instance() { if(_INSTANCE == null) { _INSTANCE = new EditorActionManager(); } return _INSTANCE; } /** * Returns true if there is an active * editor in the action manager. false * otherwise. * @return boolean */ public static final boolean isActiveEditor() { return (EditorActionManager.instance()._EDITOR != null); } /** * Applies the given attributes to character * content. If there is a selection, the attributes * are applied to the selection range. If there * is no selection, the attributes are applied to * the input attribute set which defines the attributes * for any new text that gets inserted. * * @param editor the editor * @param attr the attributes * @param replace if true, then replace the existing attributes first */ protected final void setCharacterAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet attr, boolean replace) { int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); if (p0 != p1) { // StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(editor); if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().getDocument() instanceof StyledDocument) { ((StyledDocument)EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().getDocument()).setCharacterAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attr, replace); } } else { //StyledEditorKit k = getStyledEditorKit(editor); MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getInputAttributes(); if (replace) { inputAttributes.removeAttributes(inputAttributes); } inputAttributes.addAttributes(attr); } } /** * Applies the given attributes to paragraphs. If * there is a selection, the attributes are applied * to the paragraphs that intersect the selection. * if there is no selection, the attributes are applied * to the paragraph at the current caret position. * * @param editor the editor * @param attr the attributes * @param replace if true, replace the existing attributes first */ protected final void setParagraphAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet attr, boolean replace) { int p0 = editor.getSelectionStart(); int p1 = editor.getSelectionEnd(); //StyledDocument doc = getStyledDocument(editor); //doc.setParagraphAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attr, replace); if(EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().getDocument() instanceof StyledDocument) { ((StyledDocument)EditorActionManager.getActiveEditor().getTextComponent().getDocument()).setParagraphAttributes(p0, p1 - p0, attr, replace); } } /** * Returns a running thread wrapping the runnable object. * @param r java.lang.Runnable * @return java.lang.Thread */ public static final Runnable threads(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); return t; /* // The ThreadPool is broken, so we're taking a // simple aproach instead... this should be finxed // for speed, but will do for the moment. if(EditorActionManager.instance()._THREADPOOL == null) { EditorActionManager.instance()._THREADPOOL = new ThreadPool(); EditorActionManager.instance()._THREADPOOL.loadBuffer(); } return EditorActionManager.instance()._THREADPOOL; */ } }